Everyone Should Be Loved On
By their friends, family, and caretakers from the moment they are born until they leave earth.
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Mental Health and Dementia
The effects are heart breaking!
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We Do Care
Be someone who cared and dared to help those in a non clinical way.
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help patients stay focused and give them meaning

By providing our memory-provoking toys.  We create teddy bears and puzzle pieces that can help patients stay focused and give them meaning.


Committed to providing patients the Tools to overcome Their challenges.

What drives your mission?

I’ve witnessed my mom suffer from mental health issues and it caused me to compress the pain. I’ve witnessed my maternal grandmother (rip) and my Godfather suffer with dementia after being so full of life. There wasn’t isn’t a lot I could do, but try and help them retain what was left of their memory and give them something to focus on daily.

Values we live by


Collaboration with our partners

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Passion for results

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Constantly improving

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Our team of experts

With decades of proven experience, our team is prepared to help you achieve your goals, and beyond.

our consultants

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Leadership Team

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our partners trust us

Stuart Oneil

CEO, Luryc

“Lunno is a highly professional consulting firm. We can depend on them to be transparent, smart, and committed to our success.”

Elly Brett

Business Operations, Bewarx

“For over 10 years, Lunno has consistently proven their ability to understand our business needs and help us outperform our expectations.”

Jenna Ballard

VP Marketing, Wico

“When we needed help to manage the strategy and rollout of a complex marketing plan, Lunno turned out to be the perfect partner.”


ready to reach new heights? Let's get there, together.

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